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Institut de Recherche en Génie Civil et Mécanique
Laboratoire de mathématiques Jean Leray
IRSTV, Institut de recherche en sciences et techniques de la Ville
Porte d’entrée du réseau des acteurs en Recherche, Formation et Innovation des Pays de la Loire
A Club of CEntrale Nantes for Travelling Students
This specialism in Marine Technology aims to give students advanced training on typical problems of free-surface hydrodynamics applied to ocean engineering: water waves, ship resistance, wave-structure interactions, moorings, behaviour and performance of marine structures including ships or offshore renewable energy systems ... physical, modelling, numerical and experimental aspects are studied. Training involves theoretical courses together with physical understanding, modelling and the practical use of software to solve problems through a variety of numerical methods e.g., boundary elements or spectral methods under potential flow theory, finite-volume techniques in solvers for viscous flows, Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH). Experimental methods are also taught through lab work using the unique academic large-scale facilities available at Centrale Nantes including a towing tank, a large ocean wave tank equipped with a multiflap wave generator and a circulating water channel. The programme of study lasts two academic years - denoted by M1 and M2 and is taught in English. It comprises three study semesters followed by a paid Master's thesis / internship in the final semester. Our Master's programmes in Marine Technology are fully accredited by the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research. Students applying for this specialism can also apply to join the Integrated Master-PhD track, which brings together the two years of the Master's degree and three years of PhD studies. The Integrated Master-PhD track is designed to give high-potential students exposure to research activities from the M1 year.
Learn more about Centrale Nantes' commitment to the 17 sustainable development goals
30 ECTS Credits per semester. Language of instruction: English
* 'French as Foreign Language' except for French native speakers who will study 'Cultural and Communicational English' or Spanish (depending on sufficient demand)
NB Course content may be subject to minor changes
* 'French as Foreign Language' except for French native speakers who will study 'Cultural and Communicational English' or Spanish (depending on sufficient demand). ± Elective courses (choose 3 out of 8) NB Course content may be subject to minor changes
The Master's internship can be carried out within the framework of an internship in the LHEEA Laboratory, but also in other university laboratories (NTNU in Norway, INSEAN in Italy, DTU in Denmark) or in industry, in France or abroad, on numerical or experimental subjects.
NB Internships undertaken in France are strictly regulated and are only open to current full-time students of an accredited educational institution. Interns are entitled to all the rights guaranteed to regular employees (such as social protection and redress mechanisms). For internships that exceed two months in duration a minimum level of remuneration is set by the government, at approximately €600 per month. In some professional branches, this amount may be higher.
In addition to the above specialism-specific skills, students will also develop more general skills:
50 m long by 30 m wide and 5 m deep, the hydrodynamic and ocean engineering tank is equipped with a segmented wave beater composed of 48 independent flaps to generate directional waves. This tank is used for small-scale physical simulation of floating systems, navigating or anchored in open seas (ships, MRE systems or oil platforms). Due to its size and generation capacity, it is currently the largest tank in France for this type of study.
The towing tank at Centrale Nantes is 140 m-long, 5 m-wide and 3 m deep. It is equipped with a towing carriage able to move in both directions, at speeds up to 8 m/s. At one end of the tank, a wave maker generates waves with heights up to 0.5 m. It is the second largest towing tank in France, the largest in an academic setting. The tank is used to test the resistance of ships to forward motion, with or without swell, and therefore to optimise hulls, the seaworthiness of ships or floating structures, cable towing, and also marine renewable energy.
Students also have access to the recirculating canal.
Bureau Veritas, Naval Group, Principia, H&T, Innosea, Mauric, CMA CGM, D-ICE, Ideol, Technip, Saipem
Early Bird Applications:
*no other test is recognised.
Fully taught in English.
Students who have successfully completed a first year MSc programme can apply for the second year MSc programme. Applicants must be fluent in English - written and spoken:
When applying for a Centrale Nantes MSc Programme you will be asked to provide the following documents:
Your documents must be uploaded in English or French. If the original version of your documents is not in one of these two languages, a certified translation by a sworn translator is required.
Apply online on the eCandidat platform
Master Admission Office Tel: + /
€243 per year
Learn more about Elite tuition fee waivers and scholarships
I'm coming from Brazil and I'm doing this hydrodynamics stuff for over ten years, almost all of it in research. It's been some eight years that I'm in Nantes. I came here for my Master's, then followed by a PhD and a post-doc and now I open a company. And for this whole time I've been in Centrale Nantes.
Once I decided to come to France, Centrale Nantes was a bit of a straightforward choice because it's surely the best, or one of the best, universities in France on the subject of hydrodynamics.
It's divided into two years. The first one is like a general one; we're studying general engineering and then we specialise in hydrodynamics. What I did like very much about this programme is all the applied part of it - it's very much applied - we're all the time talking about industry and how we can use our knowledge to bring something to industry, and this was nice.
That was always the objective and I came to Nantes to do my Master's thesis already thinking about my PhD. So, that was not much of a decision once I was already here.
I've been studying wind-waves interaction, notably to know to how the waves can affect the wind - actually how it could affect the energy generation of a wind turbine. I think what makes the hydrodynamics research here so good is that we really do have all the support - like experimental and numerical support - that we need for our research. So, that includes a big and a smaller wave tank besides a real-scale facility in the sea and, of course, our computers since I do so much numerical work.
Recently, we just opened our start-up. We've been incubated in the Centrale-Audencia-ensa (incubator) since March. We're offering mathematical services and tools. So, on one side, we're selling services to the wind energy industry to help them achieve competitiveness offshore and, on the other side, we're developing cutting-edge technology for engineering simulation.
I think it's amazing because this is what I came here for, but the track didn't exist at the time. So, I basically had to do my master's thesis and find my PhD and it worked out as I planned, but maybe it wouldn't have. Also, it's really nice if you can have some time during your Master's to already get to know your PhD subject because three years is not that much for a new research field. And that gives you a good transition time as it should be for someone who knows it's going to be their PhD.
Cutting-edge - international - exchange
Job/PhD search duration: 100% find their first job in 3 months or less 33% secured their PhD in less than 3 months Country of origin France - 40% Asia Pacific - 30% Europe other - 25% Americas - 5% Current country of residence France - 55% Europe other - 45% 80% earn a starting salary in excess of €40K 50% joined the company where they interned for their Master's thesis 88% have a permanent work contract 94% recommend the programme
The main prospects for employment after the MSc programme are found in the naval industry, shipping, marine renewable energies, offshore industry, coastal engineering; within R&D departments, design offices, management of offshore operations.
At the conclusion of the MSc degree, graduates can pursue a PhD, in particular within the Research Laboratory in Hydrodynamics, Energetics & Atmospheric Environment (LHEEA), which offers experimental and / or numerical studies, often in cooperation with industrial partners on numerous themes: wave-structure interactions, simulation of sea states over large ocean surfaces, improvement of the generation and propagation of swell, hydrodynamic impacts, Wind-Assisted Ship Propulsion, marine renewable energies (offshore wind etc.).
Former students / graduates Olaoluwa from Nigeria, Alessandro from Italy and William from the USA give their feedback on the MSc Hydrodynamics for Ocean Engineering
My name is Olaoluwa Ogunseye. I'm from Nigeria and I just completed my Master’s Degree in Hydrodynamics for Ocean Engineering.
I feel happy, fulfilled. I would also say that I’m a little bit proud of myself, for the accomplishment. I should say it’s one of the best moments.
Let’s just say that I was struggling a bit. The International Relations Department really helped me get myself back on track. It was a very very nice gesture. I appreciated that.
I’m waiting to begin my new job. My job is going to be very much at the core of what I studied. It’s going to be in risers and hydrodynamic engineering in Subsea 7 in Paris.
Center of Excellence
Hello everyone I’m Alessandro and I’m an M2 student here at Centrale Nantes in Hydrodynamics for Ocean Engineering.
I wanted to experience something new, a new culture, a new country. I really wanted to specialise in this sector and I found out that this school was really good in it and so, there it is!
I like it very much. Especially I have to say this semester in M2. The subjects are well explained and everything is well structured. I’m really enjoying it!
It’s really, really beautiful. I met some friends here in my programme and we started to hang out. Most of them are French which is nice for me for the culture and the language.
They should go ahead. It’s really a wonderful experience and they should really try not to miss this opportunity.
Ecological - Open Minded - International
Hi, I’m William. I come from Oklahoma in the United States. I’m here studying Hydrodynamics for Ocean Engineering.
I wanted to get a different experience from the United States. Ecole Centrale is more useful for what I want to do in my career in the future.
So far, the classes are really challenging, but the professors are helpful and they want to see us succeed. They are always available to help any time we need them. Tough courses, but they’re fun.
Student life in Nantes is pretty great because of the number of students and international students here. There’s always people to find and in my own group we have many different countries, friends from all over the world. Nantes is, in general, a really fun city.
I would say, don’t hesitate, go ahead and apply, see what happens. Maybe you’ll find that’s what you wanted to do all along.
Future Science Community
Zhe Li, M2 Programme Supervisor HOE
Zhe Li is Associate Professor in numerical methods for Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), with special interests in CFD methods such as SPH, LBM and higher-order FVM. His research work focuses on numerical simulation of fluid-structure interaction problems.
Lionel Gentaz, M1 Programme Supervisor HOE and Programme Supervisor Marine Technology
Lionel Gentaz is Assistant Professor and teaches fluid mechanics, mathematical models and numerical methods (Boundary Element, Finite Difference, Finite Volume) used in Hydrodynamics for Ocean Engineering. His research work focuses on numerical simulation of wave-structure interactions based on low-fidelity or high-fidelity models.
Centrale Nantes houses 17 buildings on a 40-acre green campus. In addition to the standard facilities of a university campus (classrooms, media library, computer rooms, etc.), it is home to 13 research platforms, some of which are unique in France, and modern and varied sports facilities, the Centrale-Audencia-Ensa incubator and vibrant student life. Facilities on the Centrale Nantes campus:
Welcome to one of France’s most prestigious engineering schools.
This is where we prepare the world of tomorrow - a sustainable world where research and teaching inspire each other, where we contribute each and nervy day to meeting the challenges of energy transition, the factory of the future and healthcare. Welcome to a school which offers more than 400 course combinations, q school where students play an active role in decision making, a diverse school with over 70 nationalities on campus. Welcome to Centrale Nantes.
Explore the campus with its classrooms, research platforms, student life and sports activities: Take the virtual tour
Zhe Li (
Contact our admissions team at for a replay of the latest programme webinar with the programme supervisor: course content, career opportunities and research infrastructure.
We regularly attend education fairs around the world to meet with prospective students and provide information about our study programmes.
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