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Site d'essais en mer de Centrale Nantes
Institut de Recherche en Génie Civil et Mécanique
Laboratoire de mathématiques Jean Leray
IRSTV, Institut de recherche en sciences et techniques de la Ville
Porte d’entrée du réseau des acteurs en Recherche, Formation et Innovation des Pays de la Loire
A Club of CEntrale Nantes for Travelling Students
Our Master's Programmes are taught in English, fully accredited by the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research and give full access to PhD studies in France or abroad. Choose from the following specialisms in Marine Technology:
This specialism aims to give students advanced training on typical problems of hydrodynamics applied to naval architecture and ocean engineering: ship resistance, seakeeping, ship behaviour in irregular seas, water, waves and marine environment... physical, modelling and numerical aspects are studied. Integrated Master-PhD track also available.
Through this specialism students will develop skills in naval engineering to become engineers experienced in ship operations. Two of the top French Technical Universities (Ecole Navale in Lanvéoc-Poulmic and Centrale Nantes) have teamed up to offer you a unique programme. The outstanding strength of this MSc programme is that you will have on-board training sessions on French Navy vessels.
Centrale Nantes currently offers two Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters (EMJMs) in Marine Technology. EMJMs are prestigious international study programmes, jointly delivered by an international consortium of higher education institutions. EU-funded scholarships are awarded to the best student candidates applying under annual selection rounds.
Learn more about your prospects after an MSc at Centrale Nantes
See provisional dates for the new academic year
Centrale Nantes International