Master Programme Enrolment

Online enrolment and fee payment is now completed online, which allows for rapid delivery of your enrolment certificates.

Online enrolment commences: mid-August, you will receive an email from the Student Affairs office.

Supporting Documents

The following documents must be uploaded during your online enrolment:

  • ID: photocopy of passport, ID card or driving licence
  • A recent passport photo with a plain light background (glasses, jewellery and smile allowed). The photo must be in portrait mode with your face in the centre. It will be used on your student card and attendance lists for teachers. .jpeg format between 25 and 35 Kb.
  • proof of CVEC payment
  • Photocopy of educational qualifications (high school diploma etc...)
  • Photocopy of grades awarded - Baccalauréat holders only
  • Conditional or final notification of a scholarship award - for scholarship students
  • Signed Masters' financial agreement (if not aleady provided)

International students must also upload:

  • a complete copy or an extract of your birth certificate (with filiation) translated into French or English, or an equivalent document issued by a consulate (this document must be authenticated, with a legible stamp). This document will also be required by the Social Security offices.
  • Photocopy of valid visa or residence permit - for international students outside the EEA  
Health Insurance

Social Security for non European Students

If you are a non European student, you must sign up for French Sécurité Sociale coverage as soon as you arrive.

Social Security for European students

If you are a European student, you first need to be covered by the health insurance from your home country. You will need to show your European Health Insurance Card when you register for French Social Security.

To register for French Social Security

Complementary Health Insurance

Social Security only covers 70% of all medical expenses. A mutuelle reimburses some or all of the difference (for medical consultations, medicine, etc). In Nantes, there are two main providers: SMEBA and LMDE

You may also be eligible for the Complémentaire Santé Solidaire, more information here.

Learn more:


In order to enrol in higher education you must produce proof of CVEC payment. CVEC is your annual contribution (€100 in 2023/24) to student and campus life.

  • Learn more here
  • Contact the ACCENTS association if you require assistance.
Tuition fees

  • Your enrolment cannot be finalized without payment of tuition fees.
  • The terms and conditions of tuition fees and payment are clearly mentioned in your financial agreement that you must sign and return before you can be definitively accepted at Centrale Nantes.

Published on April 13, 2018 Updated on February 24, 2025