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The Equality and Diversity Commission's Secularism working group has set up a FAQ to answer the most frequently asked practical questions in higher education and research.
No, teachers, as civil servants, may not wear clothing that would be tantamount to proselytism or the conspicuous manifestation of a religious affiliation, nor may they make remarks that constitute proselytism. This principle applies to all public employees working in higher education institutions, whether or not they are in contact with users.
Generally speaking, the principle of secularism prohibits not only teachers, but also all public education employees, from manifesting their religious beliefs (Conseil d'Etat, 3 May 2000, Mlle Marteaux, Rec - p. 169). The wearing of a sign indicating membership of a religion is therefore a breach of the obligations of public service law.
Yes, however this right is not unconditional, it is limited:
No. Refusing to teach a student because of religious symbols is discriminatory. This principle is not absolute: refusal to teach may be justified in certain courses involving particular health and safety constraints.
No; a student cannot challenge the gender mix of teaching or supervision. Nor can they refuse to take part in practical exercises that are part of the course on the grounds that these would be contrary to their beliefs. Similarly, a student may not refuse to take part in an examination on the grounds of the separation of the sexes allegedly advocated by his or her religion; this situation is likely to lead to disciplinary action by the Academic Council, and before the ordinary civil and criminal courts.
No. Institutions try, as far as possible, to take into account the dates of the main religious holidays for the organisation of examinations, but are in no way required to respond to the demands of religious groups in this respect. Oral examinations, which are held over several days, may be subject to greater flexibility, but this decision is left to the discretion of the teacher responsible for the examination.
No, as long as these groups have not been banned or dissolved for infringing the law.
Associations with elected members on central bodies should be treated in the same way. Furthermore, the criteria for allocating premises to associations should be clearly defined; in particular, an agreement will clearly prohibit the use of premises for religious proselytism.
No, no religious references in the body of the text. Yes, the student is free to include religious references on an "acknowledgements" page.