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Recherche - Analyse numérique de systèmes hyperboliques, volumes finis, écoulements en eau peu profonde avec topographie et friction. - Analyse numérique de modèles parabolique/hyperbolique de chimiotactisme, application à des modèles de développement et traitement de cancers. - Approximation, quasi-interpolants splines, - Analyse numérique de systèmes elliptiques, éléments finis.
Parcours Parcours Articles : BERTHON Christophe, BESSEMOULIN-CHATARD Marianne, CRESTETTO Anaïs, FOUCHER Françoise. A Riemann solution approximation based on the zero diffusion-dispersion limit of Dafermos reformulation type problem. Calcolo, 2019. BERTHON Christophe, DURAN Arnaud, FOUCHER Françoise, SALEH Khaled, ZABSONRE Jean De Dieu. Improvment of the Hydrostatic Reconstruction Scheme to Get Fully Discrete Entropy Inequalities. Journal of Scientific Computing, 2019. FOUCHER Françoise, IBRAHIM Moustafa, SAAD Mazen. Convergence of a positive nonlinear Control Volume Finite Element scheme for solving an anisotropic degenerate breast cancer development model. Computers and Mathematics with Applications 76, p. 551-578, 2018. MICHEL-DANSAC Victor, BERTHON Christophe, CLAIN Stéphane, FOUCHER Françoise. A well-balanced scheme for the shallow-water equations with topography or Manning friction. Journal of Computational Physics 335, p. 115-154, 2017. FOUCHER Françoise, IBRAHIM Moustafa, SAAD Mazen. Numerical analysis of a nite volume scheme for the simulation of a nonlinear degenerate breast cancer modelanalysis of a positive cvfe scheme for simulating breast cancer development, local treatment and recurrence. Finite Volumes for Complex Applications VIIIMethods and Theoretical Aspects, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics 199, p. 205-213, 2017. MICHEL-DANSAC Victor, BERTHON Christophe, CLAIN Stéphane, FOUCHER Françoise. A well-balanced scheme for the shallow-water equations with topography. Computers and mathematics with applications 72(3), p. 568-593, 2016. BERTHON Christophe, CRESTETTO Anaïs, FOUCHER Françoise. A well-balanced finite volume scheme for a mixed hyperbolic/parabolic system to model chemotaxis. Journal of Scientific Computing 67(2), p. 618-643, 2015. BERTHON Christophe, FOUCHER Françoise, MORALES DE LUNA Tomas. An efficient splitting technique for two-layer Shallow-Water model. Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 31(5), p. 1396-1423, 2015. BERTHON Christophe, FOUCHER Françosie. Efficient well-balanced hydrostatic upwind schemes for shallow-water equations. J. Comput. Physics 231(15), p. 4993-5015, 2012. BERTHON Christophe, FOUCHER Françoise. Hydrostatic Upwind Schemes for Shallow-Water Equations. Finite Volumes for Complex Application VI, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics 4, p. 97-106, 2011. FOUCHER Françoise, SABLONNIERE Paul. Quadratic spline quasi-interpolants and collocation methods. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 79, p. 3455-3465, 2009. FOUCHER Françoise, SABLONNIERE Paul. Approximating partial derivatives of first and second order by quadratic spline quasi-interpolants on uniform meshes. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 77, p. 202-208, 2008. FOUCHER Françoise, SABLONNIERE Paul. Superconvergence properties of some bivariate C1 quadratic spline quasi-interpolants. Curves and Surfaces Fitting : Avignon 2006, A. Cohen, J.L. Merrien, and L.L. Schumaker, (eds) Nashboro Press, Brentwood, p. 160-169, 2007. FOUCHER Françoise. Bimonotonicity preserving surfaces defined by tensor products of C1 Merrien Subdivision Schemes. Curve and Surface Fitting : Saint-Malo 2002, A. Cohen, J.L. Merrien, and L.L. Schumaker, (eds) Nashboro Press, Brentwood, p. 149-158, 2003. Enseignement Enseignement analyse numérique, analyse des EDP, optimisation, probabilités, statistique Publications Publications